The Way of Discipleship

About Course
This course consists of ten lessons to help you become a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and bring others to become disciples of Jesus Christ; for the purposes of God on earth are entrusted to those who are like His only begotten Son: disciples of Jesus Christ.
- The first lesson answers the question, “Why disciples?”,
- The second establishes the basic condition for discipleship to Jesus Christ: a total love.
- Lessons three through six present other conditions to be disciples,
- Lessons seven and eight give tips to help others on the path to be and to make disciples.
- Lesson nine deals with the interaction between discipleship, the local Church, and the mission.
- The last lesson is a warning of the many possible deviations on the path of the disciple, the path of God’s heavenly calling in Christ.
Course Content
Disciple at all Cost
Disciple at all Cost
MCQ Lesson 1: Discipleship at Any Cost
The content is excellent, and the instructors are also excellent.
How much you learn from this course is pretty much what you put into it.