(1 Rating)

The Way of Obedience

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About Course

When someone has passed from death unto life in the Lord Jesus, the next thing that he should do is to get baptized. That is at least what the various examples drawn from the Bible teach us. Throughout this course, we will say nothing other than what the Bible says about this topic, for God’s word is the final authority on the matter. The psalmist says: “thou hast commanded thy precepts to be kept diligently” (Psalm 119: 4). We insist on the fact that what the Bible teaches on baptism is simple and complete and that none of its prescriptions on this subject should be sub­ject to any personal interpretation.

We are going to see under the heading “Practical issues of water baptism”, some examples of this baptism in the Bible, and under a second heading, “The spiritual signification of water baptism”; we will state the meaning that the Bible gives of water baptism.


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What Will You Learn?

  • Practical issues of water baptism
  • The spiritual signification of water baptism

Course Content

Baptism into Water

  • For how long should a person who has experienced the new birth wait to be baptized?
  • How should believers be baptized?
  • Can a person be baptized twice?
  • In what name should believers be baptized?
  • Who should baptized believers?
  • The spiritual meaning of water baptism
  • Separation from the world and commitment unto GOD
  • Separation from the devil and union with Christ
  • Points to remember
  • MCQ lesson 1: Baptism into water

Baptism into the Holy Spirit

Christian Witnessing

Student Ratings & Reviews

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5 years ago
Great clarity in explanations and thoroughly enjoyed the course. I had been working out for quite a while, but a few little things we might miss out from a diet perspective are covered well in detail here.
Especially loved how you structured the entire focus area of dieting into most important ones to lesser ones.